Persons who will help me to BUILD MY FUTURE

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Persons who will help me to BUILD MY FUTURE af Mind Map: Persons who will help me to BUILD MY FUTURE

1. Joseph M. Ibita

1.1. Graduate as BS Management. At March 2017 he will finished his OJT

1.1.1. He will help me to manage my daily expenses in studies. In addition He will there to make my life full of happiness.

2. Jayson M. Ibita

2.1. 2018 He will be graduate as BS Electrical Engineer

2.1.1. He will provide my financial needs specially He will teach me to constract a building that I want.

3. Lorenza Ibita

3.1. She is always there to inspired me to do all the task . She provide love and care in my studies . My number one INSPIRATION.

4. Ruel M. Ibita

4.1. BS Mechanical Engineer

4.1.1. He will always there to help me in my studies. Such as computation in math, constract a 3D drawing, teach me proper handwriting and provide my personal needs

5. Jerry M. Ibita

5.1. March 2017 my brother will graduate in BS in Marine Transportation.

5.1.1. He will teach me to become hardworking not just being contented in what I have, instead doing the BEST all the time...

6. Mayline M. Ibita

6.1. Bachelor in Elementary Education

6.1.1. She will correct my grammar, help me in my thesis project, improves my self confident and provide my protection.

7. Ibita, Ricky Mendoza After 10 Years

7.1. Sketching my life (After 6 years)

7.1.1. Saving Money

7.1.2. Construct a business to my mother

7.1.3. Build house to my Family

7.2. Constructing Love( after 8 Years)

7.2.1. Family Bonding

7.2.2. Traveling all around the world. And have a dream house in Korea

7.2.3. Meeting my professional freinds

7.3. Build my own life (after 9 Years)

7.3.1. Finding my Right Person

7.3.2. Build my own house which I construct

7.3.3. Marry Him/ The Best day of my LIfe

7.3.4. Having children

7.3.5. Family Planning/ Family Bonding

8. Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering at TUP (5 Years)

8.1. Study hard

8.1.1. Makes my family proud Pass in the Board Exam

9. To Build the Bridge To Your Destination Always Takes a Plan