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My Self Grid af Mind Map: My Self Grid

1. Interests

1.1. Video Games

1.2. Music

1.3. Technology

1.4. Fitness

1.5. Media Production

1.6. Thought Process

1.7. Writing

2. Intelligence's

2.1. Higher

2.1.1. Intrapersonal

2.2. Middle

2.2.1. Bodily Kinesthetic

2.2.2. Verbal-Linguistic

2.2.3. Logical-Mathematical

2.2.4. Musical

2.2.5. Interpersonal

2.2.6. Naturalistic

2.3. Lower

2.3.1. Visual-Spatial

3. Abilities/Talents

3.1. Jogging/Running

3.2. Gaming

3.3. Perceiving Emotions

3.4. Analyzation

3.5. Offering Suppport

3.6. Technological Prowess

3.7. Reading

4. I Study Best

4.1. With visuals

4.2. In the Afternoon or Evening

4.3. Alone, with peace and quiet

4.4. In a comfortable chair, or on my bed

5. Personality Spectrum

5.1. Higher

5.1.1. Orgnizer

5.1.2. Giver

5.2. Lower

5.2.1. Thinker

5.2.2. Adventurer

6. Values

6.1. Knowing Yourself

6.2. Self Inprovement

6.3. Spiritual Life

6.4. Lifelong Learning

6.5. Getting a Good Job

6.6. Helping Others

6.7. Staying Fit

6.8. Time For Fun/Relaxation