Entrepreneurs of America

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Entrepreneurs of America af Mind Map: Entrepreneurs of America

1. Lionel Sosa

1.1. Born in 1939 in San, Antonio

1.2. Earned his wealth through founding one of the largest advertising business in the USA

2. Robert Johnson

2.1. Born April 8th 1946 in Hickory, Mississippi

2.1.1. Graduated from Princeton University in 1972

2.2. Earned his money for founding the Black Entertainment television (BET) Channel in 1980

3. Oprah Winfrey

3.1. Born in January 29th 1954 in Kosciusko Mississippi

3.1.1. Graduated from Tennessee University in 1986

3.2. Acquired her wealth though her hit TV show in launching in 1986

3.2.1. Oprah has background as an abused Black women made it hard for her to achieve her goals

4. Bill Gates

4.1. Born October 28th 1955 in Seattle, Washington

4.1.1. Graduated Harvard and Lakeside school in the 70's

4.2. Earned his money through his education, hard business tactics and luck

5. Sam Walton

5.1. Born March 29th 1918 in Kingfisher, Oklahoma

5.1.1. Graduated the university of Missouri in 1940

5.2. Earned his wealth through founding Walmart in 1962

6. Estee Launder

6.1. Born July 1st 1906 in Corona, New York

6.1.1. Earned her wealth from her cosmetics company

6.2. Founded the Estée Lauder cosmetics company in 1946