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Outline af Mind Map: Outline

1. Third Paragraph

1.1. Discuss which video style was most appropriate and which one we as a group found to be the most impactful.

2. Introduction

2.1. Do Mama Hope’s well-rounded videos help them draw in more support than Comic Relief’s distorted videos?

2.2. What benefits does Mama hope have over Comic Relief in their videos?

3. First Paragraph

3.1. We will discuss how we originally assumed that Comic Relief and Momma Hope both draw in equal donations through the style of their videos.

3.2. Depending on our findings, we will say whether this was accurate or not and why it is or isn't correct.

4. Second Paragraph

4.1. Expand on what factors were influential in Mamma Hope's videos and why they were or were not as good as those of Comic Relief

4.2. Give examples of what Mamma Hope did in their videos and why they were helpful to us.

4.3. Give examples of Comic Relief's videos and what we liked or didn't like about their strategies.