The Revolutions of 1848

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The Revolutions of 1848 af Mind Map: The Revolutions of 1848

1. Italian Revolution of 1848

1.1. A nationalist rising against Austria

1.1.1. Led by the king of Sardinia

1.2. Republic was proclaimed in 1849

1.2.1. Then only in Rome and Turkey

1.3. Metternich tried to create Italian Federation in 1815

1.3.1. This was blocked by King of Piedmont-Sardinia

1.4. Caused by the fear of Habsburgs rule over Sicily and Italy

1.5. Italian nationality began to spread

1.6. On March 22 Venetian republic reestablished under Daniel Manin

2. The Revolution of 1848 in the German Lands and Central Europe

2.1. A movement for a single parliament in 1848

2.2. Many central european would be nations

2.2.1. They wanted a distinct existence of their nationality

2.3. Hungary made into a separate state

2.4. Constitution of the German Confederation convened on March 8

2.5. Massacre in Berlin had the king forced to watch parading of bodies he killed

2.5.1. The king of Berlin declares movement to unify german states

2.6. Napoleon's political unification of German states

3. They were a series of republican revolts against european monarchs

3.1. They ended in failure and repression

4. French Revolution of 1848

4.1. Overthrow of King Charles X

4.1.1. Wanted to impose absolutism by rolling back constitutional monarchy.

4.2. Bloody June Days of 1848

4.3. Treaty of Chaumont

4.3.1. Restored Bourbon dynasty and bicameral legislature

4.4. The second republic and universal manhood suffrage

4.4.1. Provided a president and a single chamber assemby

4.5. Louis Napoleon was elected president of France

4.5.1. He was seen as a friend of the common people

5. Causes

5.1. Austria had economic and political reform

5.2. Nationalistic tensions in Austria, Germany, and Italy.

5.3. France

5.3.1. Middle class were excluded lower class wanted economic regulation

5.4. Severe food shortages from poor harvests and recession

5.4.1. This led to high rates of unemployment

6. Government Authority

6.1. Pro-reform liberal elements joined the conservatives

6.1.1. Supported the return of traditional authority

6.2. They wanted to protect their nationality

6.2.1. those living under the Habsburg Empire followed the rule of the emperor