European revolutions of 1848

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European revolutions of 1848 af Mind Map: European revolutions of 1848

1. People

1.1. Louis Napoleon

1.1.1. social stability

1.2. pope Pius IX

1.2.1. elected June 1848

1.2.2. liberal

1.3. Louis Phillipe

1.3.1. king of France

1.3.2. liberal

1.3.3. stepped down after banned banquet

1.4. King Fredrick william

1.4.1. responded to street fight in Berlin withdrew soldiers

1.5. Court franz sadden

1.5.1. governor of Galicia

2. Causes

2.1. French Revolution and napoleonic period

2.1.1. attempt to reimpose power moncharchs

2.2. population increase

2.2.1. need for food shortages rising prices

2.2.2. more jobs needed

2.2.3. more housing

2.2.4. unemployment no income or social security

2.3. industrializaiton

2.3.1. low wages

2.3.2. overcrowding, unsanitary spaces disease spread

2.4. many people had no say in political descisions

3. Significance

3.1. reassertion of government authority

3.1.1. kings and dukes regain power

3.2. revolution spread over Europe

3.3. nationalism

3.4. reforms

4. Events

4.1. French Revolution of 1848

4.1.1. wanted to reestablish order

4.2. Italian Revolution of 1848

4.2.1. "literal" papacy helps rekindle the revolution

4.3. Revolutions of 1848 in German lands, Central Europe

4.3.1. movement for a single parliament

4.3.2. promote distinct existence for nationality

4.4. Feb 1848

4.4.1. banned Banquet was cancelled soldiers injured citizens established provisional government French republic

4.4.2. March demands free press all German parliament constitutional government

4.5. Diet at pressburg

4.5.1. authorized by emperor of Austria

4.5.2. wanted magyar to be used in courts

4.5.3. 12 demands of rights and freedoms

4.6. Vienna

4.6.1. turmoil in Milan sought freedom of press

4.7. April

4.7.1. imperial patent constitutional arrangment for future government

4.7.2. charter of Bohemia should be separate political estates Czechs language