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Vorry Moon af Mind Map: Vorry Moon

1. Family Life

1.1. I have a wife and together we have a two year old son. My wife and son are probably the most interesting thing about me. Everyday they find new ways to amaze me.

2. Work

2.1. I started my professional career as a Legislative Aide in the House and transitioned to a US Senate Campaign. We won!!!

2.2. I recently got out of the Army where I served as a Military Intelligence Captain. My position put me 5,023,952nd in line to the Presidency, so naturally I abstain from extreme sports ...America may need me.

2.3. I currently work as an Account Manager for Medtronic. It's a great career and I am excited to see where I can steer it.

3. Hobbies

3.1. I play golf and hope to make the cut for the Senior PGA Tour in 2042.

3.2. I brew beer and make wine. It was just something that I wanted to try and I found out I was good at it, so I stuck with it.

4. Education

4.1. I received by Bachelors of Political Science from the University of Northern Colorado (the real UNC)