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patent af Mind Map: patent

1. what is patent

1.1. Is property right given by the government to an inventors, so it will prevent others from selling or make profit of it.

2. What are some examples of patents that have been granted in web technologies in the past?

2.1. User interfaces

2.2. Search engines

2.3. Image processing

3. Why did many people object or complain about the granting of some of these types of patents in web technologies?

3.1. It is difficult to patent computer-related inventions because many of these are not devices, adopt other, similar programs

3.2. They are designed to do certain tasks electronically that have been done mechanically

3.3. no different between word processor and typewriters

4. How is it granted?

4.1. Patents are granted for an invention that has to be more than new. It also the product has to be not obvious, un known, and not used by others.

5. For how long it is valid?

5.1. protection for 20 years.

6. how is it enforced?

6.1. mostly in court