Growth & Change Grade 2 By: Shari Porter, ToniMarie Mangione, Melissa Bellom...

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Growth & Change Grade 2 By: Shari Porter, ToniMarie Mangione, Melissa Bellomo, and Kristina Hnath af Mind Map: Growth & Change   Grade 2                  By: Shari  Porter, ToniMarie  Mangione, Melissa Bellomo,  and Kristina Hnath

1. What are the similarities and differences between the different life cycles?

2. Plant Life Cycle

2.1. What happens to a seed to make it grow into a plant?

2.1.1. Question: What are the three things that plant needs to grow?` Key Idea: Plants need three main important thing to grow Water

2.2. Key Idea: The four life cycles of a plant

2.2.1. Seed

2.2.2. Sprout

2.2.3. Flower Bud

3. Essential Question

4. Key Idea: Stages of the life cycles

5. Question: How many stages are there for each cycle?

6. Technology

6.1. iPad

6.2. Smartboard

6.3. Youtube

6.4. Weebly

7. Standards

7.1. Science Standard 2:Information Systems

7.1.1. Key idea Information technology is used to retrieve, process, and communicate information and as a tool to enhance learning. Select appropriate hardware and software that aids in word processing,creating databases telecommunications,graphing,data displays and other tasks.

8. Key Idea 4: The continuity of life is sustained through reproduction and development

8.1. Performance Indicator 4.1

8.1.1. Describe the major stages in the life cycles of selected plants and animals

8.1.2. Plants and animals have life cycles. These may include beginning of a life, development into an adult, and eventually death. 41b: Each kind of plant goes through its own stages of growth and development that may include seed,young plant and mature plant. Each generation of animal;s goes through changes in form from young to adult. This completed sequence of changes in form is called a life cycle. Some insects change from egg to larva to pupa to adult.

9. Technology Standard:

9.1. 1. Creativity and innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative products and processes using technology.

10. Key Idea: Caterpillars need food, air, and space to live and grow.

11. Question: How does a chrysalis transform into a butterfly?

12. Butterfly Life Cycle

12.1. Egg

12.1.1. Caterpillar Chrysalis Butterfly

13. Follow- Up Activities

13.1. Cut & paste sequencing work sheet

14. Homework

14.1. Life Cycle Craft

15. Assessment

15.1. Quiz on the life cycles

16. Frog Life Cycle

16.1. Question: What happens to a tadpole for it to become a froglet?

16.2. Key Idea: The four life cycles of a Frog

16.3. Egg

16.4. Tadpole

16.5. Froglet

16.6. Frog

17. Chicken Life Cycle

17.1. Question: How does a chicken grow?

17.2. Key Idea: The four life cycles of a chicken

17.3. Egg

17.4. Hatchling

17.5. Chick

17.6. Chicken