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1. political independence ( BG , GB - Brexit)

1.1. how important is a nation's independence TO YOU? personal examples - 05.10 1908.

2. financial independence

2.1. not depending on anyone else for money . have you worked? did you feel independent? what did you do with the money? examples.

3. thinking and acting for yourself = making your own decisions in life. have you done it already? what did you feel? did you help someone in the process?

3.1. independent actions = do whatever you see fit and don't answer to someone else.

3.1.1. independent thought = the ability to provide your own opinion to a problem/solution ; to express your thoughts on a certain matter. examples.

4. self-reliance, self-sufficient what does this mean? examples.

5. independence = freedom? elaborate.

5.1. what is the difference between independence and freedom?

6. Inspirational quotes “I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.” ― Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre

7. What does "independence" mean to you?

8. Independence is the opposite of 1. being constrained 2.subservient ; 3.subordinate