Human Resources Representatives

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Human Resources Representatives af Mind Map: Human Resources Representatives

1. Search Committee

1.1. Selected by the Hiring Manager and assigned to each recruitment

1.2. Reviews applications, participates in the interview process and recommends final applicant

2. Service Center Coordinator

2.1. Processes final offer and finalizes the recruitment in the ATS

2.2. Posts recruitment on selected job boards

2.3. Routes recruitment for review and routing

2.4. Reviews recruitments and provides oversight of the recruitment process

3. Employee Advocate

3.1. Protect privacy and confidentiality of health data at all times

3.2. Conduct open enrollment meetings on an as needed basis

3.3. Maintain internal systems and processes accurately to ensure all administrative and tracking of activities are completed

4. Affirmative Action and Compliance Officer

4.1. Monitors staff recruitment activity and ensures affirmative action/diversity guidelines are followed for searches within the organization

4.2. Works with the Equal Employment & Affirmative Action (EEAA) to ensure a diverse applicant pool exists

4.3. Assigned by the organizational unit

5. Compliance Enforcer

5.1. Enforcement and development of internal or corporate policies are subsets of this risk management role

5.2. Keeping track of all the changes in state, federal and local laws and regulations, nor translating them into policies and practices that keep the regulators from our door.

6. Management Advocate

6.1. The point of interface between management policies and employees, charged with communicating and interpreting management dicta

6.2. Extension of the compliance role by interpreting and communicating management policy

7. Hiring Manager

7.1. Identifies hiring need, develops the position description, Recruitment Plan, organizational chart and other recruitment related documents

7.2. Ensures understanding of collective bargaining agreements’ specific provisions with respect to filling of bargaining unit positions

7.3. May serve as Search Committee Chair and identifies Search Committee members