quadratics and piecewise

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quadratics and piecewise af Mind Map: quadratics and piecewise

1. quadratics

2. First of all what is that plus/minus thing that looks like ±

3. they both deal with math

4. Quadratic equation, a polynomial equation of degree 2 (reducible to 0 = ax2 + bx + c)

5. Quadratic formula, calculation to solve a quadratric equation for the independent variable (x)

6. they both deal with functions

7. they both deal with variables

8. piecewise

9. function defined by at least two equations

10. a piecewise polynomial function is a function that is a polynomial on each of its sub-domains, but possibly a different one on each.

11. a function is not called "piecewise linear" or "piecewise continuous" or "piecewise differentiable" unless the pieces are intervals.