My Roles being Erika

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My Roles being Erika af Mind Map: My Roles being Erika

1. Family Role: Youngest Daughter Responsibilities: 1- learn from my sisters mistakes 2- help out and take care of my family as much as i can 3- follow family traditions and keep them new and tasteful, keeping the family close

2. Non- Family Role: Mid-Field for Soccer Team Responsibilities: 1- show up to practice and games 2- work as hard as i can 3- be a team player

3. Family Role: Sister Responsibilities: 1- being a helping hand 2- giving an open ear and helpful advice 3- making my sisters laugh when they are down

4. Non-Family Role: Employee Responsibilities: 1- showing up to work on time 2- helping out as much as i can and completing tasks to my full capability 3- accepting responsibility for sick or away days and taking initiative to stay late or put in extra effort to make up or them