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1.1.1. Process of gathering evidence of student learning

1.2. Formative Assessment Cycle

1.2.1. Gather evidence of learning

1.2.2. Evaluate Evidence

1.2.3. Feedback

1.2.4. Adjust Instruction

1.3. Characteristics

1.3.1. Evidence of student learning

1.3.2. Structure

1.3.3. Participants involved feedback

1.3.4. Instruction adjustments

1.3.5. Student to teacher interaction

1.3.6. Attributions for success

1.4. 6 Types of Formal Formative Instruction

1.4.1. Structured Excersises

1.4.2. Pretests

1.4.3. Homework

1.4.4. In-Class Assignments

1.4.5. Quizzes and Unit Test

1.4.6. Classroom Response System

1.5. Formative examples

1.5.1. Thumbs up and thumbs down

1.5.2. Understanding cards Cards that allow students to tell you if they understand, kind of understand, or do not understand at all.


2.1. Individual or group projects

2.2. Portfolios

2.2.1. Students work in one file

2.3. Student logs

2.3.1. Students log work to show growth

2.4. Journals

3. Diagnostic

3.1. Definition

3.1.1. Provides a detailed analysis of performance which can be used for planning

3.2. Yields insight into how an individual thinks

3.3. Helps guide students for professional development

3.4. Common Tool Used For

3.4.1. Mentors

3.4.2. Teachers

3.4.3. Supervisors

3.4.4. Diagnosticians

3.5. What to do

3.5.1. Look at students test

3.5.2. Look at students course work

3.5.3. Listen to students speech

3.5.4. Look to see if student has hearing issues


4.1. Definition

4.1.1. Summative Assessments are used to evaluate student learning, skill acquisition, and academic achievement at the conclusion of a defined instructional period.

4.2. Planning Summative Assessments

4.2.1. End of a large chunk learning

4.2.2. Review what you want to do

4.2.3. Criteria for ensuring high-quality assessments

4.2.4. Representative Sampling

4.2.5. Standardized testing, final exams, major cumulative projects, research projects

4.3. Preparing Students

4.3.1. Teach assessment taking skills

4.3.2. Test length, format

4.3.3. Review

4.3.4. Item type and format

4.3.5. Assessment anxiety

4.4. Conducting Summative Assessments

4.4.1. When should they be scheduled

4.4.2. When should they be created

4.4.3. Assessment directions

4.4.4. Arrange items

4.4.5. Physical layout


5.1. Periodic testing throughout the school year

5.1.1. Every six weeks or chapter test

5.2. Low-level

5.3. More formal styles using projects, written assignments and tests

5.4. Little or no student feedback

5.4.1. Students only get feedback from teacher during a student to teacher conference