Digital Footprint

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Digital Footprint af Mind Map: Digital Footprint

1. Explain

1.1. Permission video (Dylan)

1.1.1. blog reflection

1.1.2. class discussion about positive

1.2. E-Safety bullying quiz (Dylan)

1.2.1. blog reflection upload score snip photo from online source

1.3. Google Game

1.3.1. students play each level, and then reflect on the 3 key points in blog.

2. Elaborate

2.1. Jigsaw/expert groups (Sarah) covering the 5p's

2.1.1. mixed abilities

2.1.2. Rubric online(?)

2.1.3. overview of what each P is about,

2.1.4. find a resource link to rubric - is this appropriate to the subject and audience

2.1.5. actions students can take to ensure they are meeting this P

2.1.6. present on either powerpoint, prezi or as a socrative quiz - students choice in presentation

2.1.7. Blog reflection individual contributions to task comment on something from each groups presentation

2.2. What can you do to manage your information? (Sarah)

2.2.1. googledocs 7 tips to increase your privacy

3. Evaluate

3.1. Socrative post-test (Dylan)

3.2. Socrative Exit pass

4. Engage

4.1. Socrative pre-test (Sarah)

4.2. Mindmeister smartboard mind map - what do you know about digital footprints (Sarah)

4.2.1. ask the main question - collaborate their ideas then lead them to the 5's

4.2.2. introduce blog here

4.2.3. NEED TO MAKE INFO ON HOW TO sign up and invite/share with others LINK TO MAP>

5. Explore

5.1. Unplugged IT - Unplug your digital footprint (Cassie)

5.1.1. animals profile investigation

5.2. Google yourself (Cassie)