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S U I C I D E af Mind Map: S U I C I D E

1. Unhealthy Environment

1.1. Competitive

1.2. Lack of Support System

2. Stress

2.1. Work - Related

2.2. Need to Conform Versus Life Values

2.3. Harassment

3. Problems of Living

3.1. Financial Concern

3.2. Work - Life Balance

4. Anxiety

4.1. Worrying too much

4.2. Physical Symptoms (e.g. insomnia)

4.3. Fears

5. Depression

5.1. Suicidal Ideation

5.2. Hopelessness

5.3. Helplessness

5.4. Frustration

5.5. Feelings of Isolation

6. Substance Abuse

6.1. Alcohol

6.2. Drugs

7. Pressure

7.1. Family

7.1.1. High Expectations

7.2. Colleagues

7.2.1. Need to Belong

7.3. Pressure to Succeed