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water website af Mind Map: water website

1. differnt places in world with water problems

2. water game

2.1. so people can interact

3. how you can help save water

3.1. thing that people can do to help save water

4. a map of world highligting where water is a big problem

4.1. so that people know where water is a big problem in the world

5. facts

5.1. different facts about water

6. pic

6.1. related to water

7. Statistics

8. gadgets

9. videos

10. sources

10.1. to show what websites i used for my infomation

11. survey

11.1. what peopleknow about water

12. flash button

12.1. so that website look professional

13. quiz

13.1. to test how much people know

14. for all age groups

14.1. make sure Suitable for anyone to look at

15. colour

15.1. Eye catching

15.1.1. background