Freedom Writers, how were the characters personality's created?

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Freedom Writers, how were the characters personality's created? af Mind Map: Freedom Writers, how were the characters personality's created?

1. Maslow

1.1. Eva

1.2. Erin

2. Self Efficacy

2.1. Erin

2.2. Eva

3. Marcus

4. Humanism

4.1. Carl Rogers

4.1.1. Eva

4.1.2. Erin

5. Social Cognitive

5.1. Locus of Control

5.1.1. Eva

5.2. Reciprocal Determinism

5.2.1. Erin

6. Behaviorism

6.1. Operant

6.1.1. Erin Andre Eva

6.2. Classical

6.2.1. Eva

6.2.2. Erin

6.3. Observational

6.3.1. Erin

6.3.2. Eva

6.3.3. Students

7. Psychodynamic

7.1. Defense Mechanisms

7.1.1. Eva

7.2. Psychosexual Stages

7.2.1. Eva and other Students

7.3. Id, Superego, Ego

7.3.1. Eva

7.3.2. Erin

7.4. Iceburge Theroy

7.4.1. Eva