ADDIE model Gaby

Plan your projects and define important tasks and actions

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ADDIE model Gaby af Mind Map: ADDIE model Gaby

1. 2- Design

1.1. Define project variables

1.1.1. Cost

1.1.2. Efforts

1.1.3. Requirements

1.1.4. Risks

1.2. Choose sssessment tools

1.3. Select content

1.3.1. Reltate/review/rapport

1.3.2. Overview

1.3.3. Present what they need to know

1.3.4. Exercises

1.3.5. Summarize

1.4. Schedule planification

1.4.1. Structure

1.4.2. Sequence

1.4.3. Duration

1.4.4. Pace

1.5. Choose the media

2. 1- Analyse

2.1. Discuss the problem

2.1.1. Identify instructional goals

2.1.2. Identify instructional analysis

2.2. Define goals/objectives

2.2.1. Define learning objectives Describe behavioral results expected

2.3. Identify learning environment

2.3.1. Identify learning constraints

2.4. Identify learners

2.4.1. Discuss knowledge

2.4.2. Assess skills

3. 3- Development

3.1. Create a sample

3.1.1. Ask and collect Feedbacks

3.2. Develop the course materials

3.2.1. Lesson plan

3.2.2. Instructor and student activities

3.3. Conduct a run-through

4. 5- Evaluation

4.1. Formative

4.1.1. Question at each stage of the project

4.1.2. From the learner? One to one evaluation Small group Field trial

4.2. Summative

4.2.1. Prove the worth Collect reaction Assess learning Test behavior Get the results

5. 4- Implementation

5.1. Train the instructor

5.1.1. Course curriculum

5.1.2. Learning results

5.1.3. Assessment

5.2. Prepare the learners

5.2.1. Technology to know

5.2.2. Motivation

5.2.3. Material needed

5.3. Arrange the learning space

5.3.1. Powerpoint slides

5.3.2. Presentation media