Heathy relationship

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Heathy relationship af Mind Map: Heathy relationship

1. Grammar

1.1. To think

1.2. To meet

1.3. To forget

1.4. To think

1.5. New node

2. Speaking

2.1. Conversations

2.1.1. One :Wife and husband Q: Phúc, can you do the dishes tonight? I'm very tired. P: Can't we just put them in the dish-washer? I have had very bad day,too! I just want to kick back and relax. Q: Hey! Just because you had a bad day today doesn't give you permission to take it out on me! P: Just leave me alone! Q: Why are you being such a turd! I wish I hadn't gotten married

2.1.2. Two: hi friends P: You look so concerned, quyên. What's on your mind. Q: You know, I have been looking for a job for three months and this is my first interview. P: Don't worry too much, Quyên. Everything will work out just fine. Q: I hope so. P: Come on, Quyên. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope for the best.

3. Vocabulary

3.1. Apologize

3.1.1. Tạ lỗi

3.2. Argue

3.2.1. Chứng tỏ,tranh luận

3.3. Communicate

3.3.1. Giao tiếp

3.4. Compromise

3.4.1. Thỏa hiệp

3.5. Criticize

3.5.1. Chỉ trích

3.6. Forgive

3.6.1. Tha thứ

3.7. Gossip

3.7.1. Tin đồn nhảm

3.8. Judge

3.8.1. Người am hiểu, trọng tài

3.9. Lie

3.9.1. Nói dối

4. Language in context

4.1. Agree

4.1.1. Because it is the necessary skills for each person to communicate and to build a healthy relationship between people.