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Weekly Activities af Mind Map: Weekly Activities

1. Monday: Awake, I make a small prayer to God, take a shower and get ready to go to college. This particular day I have two classes: the first is called disability, the second is ethics and democracy. I arrive at the apartment, lunch and do homework.

2. Tuesday: Awake, I make a small prayer to God, I take a shower, I prepare lunch and I go to the university. This day we met with the thesis adviser my group and myself; he makes corrections, we advance the content in the library and we leave at four in the afternoon, return to the apartment, take the snack and go to bed at nine o'clock at night, since the next day I must rise early.

3. Wednesday: Awake very early, I make a prayer to God, I take a shower and I go to the practice site that is located in Usme, the entrance is at six thirty in the morning. My assigned transition course is a group of twenty-five children, I do my planning and I collaborate with the head teacher in the classroom, I leave at eleven thirty in the morning, I go to the apartment, lunch and I do the planning for the next class, I I lie down again early since practice comes with a little fatigue.

4. Friday: Awake, I pray to God, I take a shower, and I get ready to go to college. This day I have a science class: it's nice, at the end of the class we went out with my classmates to eat something and get off the routine of the week, do something different, well this plan also depends on how many tasks there are. at the end of the day I go to the apartment, I advance tasks again because in that sense I consider myself very responsible and I do not like to leave anything for the last hour, so if I have the time I do it once. Friday is a nice day because I speak with my parents and my sister, it is the day that has more time.

5. Saturday: I wake up a little later type nine in the morning, I pray to God, this day I like to prepare breakfast for my parents and sister, I make an omelet of eggs with onion and tomato, sandwich and juice of blackberry or orange, after have breakfast and rest take a shower, I do homework again because the student load is quite heavy in general. My mom makes lunch, usually we meet and talk about how it has gone and this day always my cousin calls us or we call her to find out how everyone is in the United States. We had a nice time in the apartment, sometimes we go out to have an ice cream in the mall. Break type ten or eleven at night

6. Thursday: I wake up, I make a prayer to God, I take a shower, I prepare lunch and I go to the university. This day I have two classes: the first is Curriculum; It is a very nice and dynamic class. the second is English; It's my favorite class since I was in school, it fascinates me since most of my family lives in the United States, I know that through this apprenticeship I can open many doors abroad, the teacher is nice and the topics are innovative . This day I also met with my thesis group to work in the university library. For this reason I also prepared lunch, we left the library four hours later, putting more ideas and experiences in the thesis. At the end I go to my apartment, I advance tasks and I go to sleep.

7. Sunday: I wake early because this day is sacred for me and my family, we go to the church to give thanks to God for a week full of great blessings and experiences, this particular day is beautiful for me, already finishing tasks we share all day As a family, on Sunday my father makes breakfast, my mom does not do anything this day, in the afternoon we go out to lunch and visit my grandmother who is in poor health, it is a day that she flies by because I get so much out of her those that I love, that I crave. Early break because the next day I must get up early and so on life is becoming a routine, depends on the people with whom we share to make it different and memorable.