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1. Define the Problem

1.1. First we find the problem of the situation. In this context, someone is bullying you amongst your peers.

2. Consider the Consequences

2.1. Before you act, think. Think, if you do this what will happen later. The bully might take revenge on you more, since for telling, however if he truly knows he was wrong he will stop. Are you willing to risk in order to stop this bully?

3. Explore the Alternatives

3.1. Don't jump into conclusions, if you jump the gun, the situation may get worse. Exploring what ways to help situation, for example some ways to solve the solutions. For one, we could ask them nicely to stop. Another option is to report to a guardian or teacher for help.

4. Identify your Values

4.1. Before you actually make a move to stop and prevent the bully, think about who you are and what you'd like to represent. Consider what other's will think and safety. In this senario ,if you believe in giving chances, before you directly tell an adult, tell them to stop.

5. Decide and Act

5.1. Now that you have gone through the steps, it is your turn to decide which route and action you will take. As I said don't rush into assumptions. Be careful not to enrage the bully.

6. Evaluate the

6.1. According to whom you are conflicted with, results may vary. However if they continue to pick on you tell an adult. However if they are truly sorry, they will stop. Do not approach the bully if they carry a knife, fire or etc dangerous items. If the bully apologises to you and doesn't bully you, you have handled the situation very well. However if not, just take some time, if he is constantly bullying you report again.