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The End Game af Mind Map: The End Game

1. Education

1.1. Bachelor's Degree

1.1.1. Attaining my Bachelors in Multidisciplinary Studies is the main goal now, then on to MBA land.

1.1.2. Master's Degree in Business Administration Better Life for me and my kids with an MBA Higher Salary More Benefits (vacation, health benefits, etc.) More time to spend with my kids Role model for my kids

2. Life

2.1. Not that I really have one of these, but I still need to make sure I find the time to breathe and relax once in awhile. I am often quick to be hard on myself and everything starts to spiral down. Just keep swimming...

3. Balance

3.1. I added balance to education because I have to find time to balance all of the things I am doing to ensure that my ultimate goal of graduation is met.

4. Family

4.1. Being a single, working mother to a two year old and a four year old is challenging work. But I need to make sure they are still taken care of among the chaos of life and school.

5. Work

5.1. I work a full time job in Caldwell as an Accounts Receivable Specialist. This job was wonderful to get because it is close to the area of my end goal. Getting a Master's Degree in Business Administration.

5.1.1. Learn more from those I work with. My company is a locally owned and operated company. The owner comes in to work everyday and I could learn so much from him.

6. HELP!!!

6.1. I need to reach out for help when I need it. I am often hard on myself and don't ask for help because I feel like a failure if I need help. But there is no way to get where I want to by myself.