Introduction to Information Technology

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Introduction to Information Technology af Mind Map: Introduction to Information Technology

1. application of IT

1.1. education

1.1.1. computer based training

1.1.2. learning management system

1.2. finance

1.2.1. Finance Investment System

1.2.2. Online Banking System

1.3. govenment

1.3.1. E-filing

1.3.2. HRMIS

1.4. Health care

1.4.1. Medline

1.4.2. conter registeration system

1.5. science

1.5.1. virtual reality

1.5.2. Hawk Eye Officiating System

1.6. publishing

1.6.1. online newspaper and magazine

1.7. travel

1.7.1. Global Positioning System(GPS)

1.7.2. E-ticketing

1.8. manufacturing

1.8.1. computer Aided Design

1.8.2. Computer Aided Manufacturing

2. Disadvantage

2.1. prolonged or mproper use can lead to health injuries

2.2. other person might steal our personal and confidential records

2.3. many employee might jobless-replaced by computer

3. definition

3.1. The use of computer hardware and software to store,retrieve and manipulate information

4. Advantages

4.1. Easy to communicate

4.2. can store large amount of data

4.3. can process daa in fast speed

5. categories of computer

5.1. supercomputer

5.1.1. fastest and most powerful compputer. capable to process more than one quadtrilion instruction in single second

5.2. mainframe

5.2.1. large,expensive and powerful computer that can handle hundred and thousand of connected user simultaneously

5.3. personal computer

5.3.1. a computer that can perform all of its input ,processing, output and storage activity by its self

5.4. mobile computer

5.4.1. personal computer that u can carry from place to place

5.5. mobile devices

5.5.1. personal computer that u can carry from place to place

5.6. embedded computer

5.6.1. special purpose computer that is function as a component in a larger product