Native American History and Culture

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Native American History and Culture af Mind Map: Native American History and Culture

1. Culture Before the Colonists and After the Colonists

1.1. Before the Colonists came to America Native Americans maintained cultural traditions, arts, and foods dating back hundreds of years

1.1.1. Most Native Americans were hunters and gatherers meaning they lived off the land and some would move nomadically whenever the food ran out

1.1.2. They used certain handmade instruments for rituals, dances and celebrations

1.1.3. The Pow Wow dance was a special style of dance created to honor ancestors, spirits and the earth

1.1.4. They recited and passed down Oral legends or fables about creation and nature

1.1.5. Native Americans used weaving as a helpful tool for creating fish traps, baskets and art work

1.2. After the arrival of the first Colonists, Native American culture began to change. However some of the previous culture still stayed alive.

1.2.1. The daily lives of Native Americans were both influenced by the colonists and influencing for the colonists

1.2.2. And the first thanksgiving was largely influenced by the help of Native Americans

1.2.3. While many believe the Native Americans were welcomed by the colonists and the opposite there was much backlash between both groups. (Explore the Simulation to see the facts and fiction of Native American and Colonial life as well as the what really happened during the first thanksgiving)

2. History and Geography Before the Colonists and After the Colonists

2.1. Who were the first Americans and How did they get here?

2.1.1. The First Americans were people who lived in Asia and came to America!

2.1.2. Long before Columbus Sailed The Ocean Blue in 1492

2.2. The loss of their land overtime

2.2.1. Native Americans once lived across the country, but over time they were forced to leave their homes, eventually losing the majority of their lands.

2.2.2. Reservations: the area that was given to the Native Americans by the government to live on.