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STEM af Mind Map: STEM

1. Pre-Calculus

1.1. Standard to Vertex

1.2. Pythagorean Theorem

1.3. Foci

1.4. Graphing

1.5. Solving System of Nonlinear Equation

2. Oral Communication

2.1. Elements of Communication

2.2. Function of Communication

2.3. Different Types of Speeches

2.4. Verbal and Non-Verbal

3. Filipino

3.1. Wika

3.2. Kultura

4. General Math

4.1. Composition of Function

4.2. Rational Equation

4.3. Representation of Function

4.4. Transformation

4.5. Evaluation of Function

5. E-Tech

5.1. Powerpoint

5.2. Photopshop

5.3. Excel

5.4. Wix Site

6. Earth Science

6.1. Theories

6.2. Exogenous

6.3. Continental Drift Theory

6.4. Endogenous

7. Physical Edeucation

7.1. Zumba

7.2. Aerobic

7.3. Exercise

7.4. Locomotor Movements

8. Philosopy

8.1. Value of Philosopy

8.2. Basic Human Rights

8.3. Views of Philosopy

8.4. Function of Philosopy