my career pathway

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my career pathway af Mind Map: my career pathway

1. skills and attributes

1.1. self-motivation

1.2. adaptability

1.3. good-listener

1.4. teamwork

1.5. devoted

1.6. generous

1.7. creativity

1.8. independent

1.9. cooperative

1.10. cheerful

1.11. thoughtful

1.12. ambitious

1.13. understanding

2. Interests

2.1. sewing

2.2. drawing

2.3. doing any art stuf

3. values

3.1. loyalty

3.2. commitment

3.3. passion

3.4. respect

3.5. family

3.6. parents

4. personal and professional goals

4.1. to graduate and go to University

4.2. study fashion industry

4.3. have a nice job