Artificial intelligence(AI)

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Artificial intelligence(AI) af Mind Map: Artificial intelligence(AI)

1. Advantage

1.1. It is convenient for our daily life

1.2. The processing speed of calculation is increased

2. Disadvantage

2.1. Some people may lose the job

2.2. Cannot take unique circumstances

3. Speech Recognition System in AI

3.1. what is Speech Recognition System?

3.1.1. Speech recognition is the ability of a machine or program to identify words and phrases in spoken language and convert them to a machine-readable format.

3.2. what is the application

3.2.1. car systems

3.2.2. Medical documentation

3.2.3. People with disabilities

3.3. mobile phone

3.3.1. ios SIRI

3.3.2. android GOOGLE I/O

4. Definition

4.1. is intelligence exhibited by machines, rather than humans or other animals

5. Application

5.1. Retail industry

5.1.1. Recognize customer status

5.1.2. Link person with historical purchase information

5.1.3. Payment system (gesture payment or action payment)

5.2. Manufacturing

5.2.1. Track tool usage

5.3. Financial industry

5.3.1. Use AI to understand the customer's browsing habits

5.3.2. Through the AI ​​according to the behavior of customers to track the customer's insurance costs.