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benefits af Mind Map: benefits

1. educational

1.1. The history of Art

1.1.1. speak upon famous artists

1.2. Art games

1.2.1. word matching , puzzles, create your own impersonated art

2. young artist & older

2.1. good for 6-25 years of age

2.2. open for anyone

2.3. Male&Female of any race

3. drawing tutorial

3.1. learn how to draw

3.2. learn how to paint

3.3. 2D/3D design

3.3.1. figure drawing

4. events

4.1. Fridays happy hour art session

5. create your own folder file

5.1. Store your art works

5.1.1. file can be private or public

6. create a slide show with your folder

7. connect with friends

7.1. Invite others

7.1.1. family/friends

7.2. have chat sessions

7.3. show off your art skills