American Freedom: Ideals vs. Truths

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American Freedom: Ideals vs. Truths af Mind Map: American Freedom: Ideals vs. Truths

1. Truths

1.1. Even with freedom of speech in America many people, especially political and sports news casters, lose their jobs for sating a political view that goes against their company's views.

1.2. Roughly 47% of the world's population does not have access to electricity.

1.3. Many Americans cannot afford to further their education leading them to work lower-paid jobs making it more likely for them to not be able to afford basic necessities.

2. What It Should Be

2.1. Access to affordable education, medical care, food, housing, and utilities.

2.2. The right to keep a job even if your political views differ from that of your boss's.

2.3. The right to not have to fear for your safety.

3. Ideals

3.1. The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.

3.2. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness." -Thomas Jefferson

3.3. That every person in every nation will have access to education, running water, electricity, the rights listed above, and to be able to live and do what they want for a living.

4. How to Get There

4.1. If you are privileged because of your gender identity, sexuality, race, etc use that to your advantage to encourage others to stand up to injustices.

4.2. Get actively involved in protesting. For example you could: take a knee, participate in the next BLM, LGBT+, or Women's rally in your area, donate if at all possible to various charities and organizations in your community, etc.