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ADHD af Mind Map: ADHD

1. Organization

1.1. Nontypical prioritization

1.2. Bad time management

2. Hyperactivity

2.1. Isn't always present

2.2. Internal

3. Attention

3.1. Everything all the time

3.2. Inconsistent

3.3. Can't focus on one thing

4. Mental abilities

4.1. Higher than average IQ

4.2. Faster problem solving

5. Concentration

5.1. Better

5.1.1. Competitive environment

5.1.2. Medication

5.1.3. When doing something they like

5.2. Worse

5.2.1. When someone else tells what to do

5.2.2. When not motivated

6. The Zone

6.1. Doing something of interest

6.2. Motivation

6.2.1. Nontypical

6.2.2. Not what others say is important

6.2.3. Alternatives equally unimportant