The management environment

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The management environment af Mind Map: The management environment

1. What the external environment is ? ,and why it's important.

1.1. The external environment refers to factors,forces,situations and events outside te organization that affect its performance.

1.2. how has the economy changed ?

2. How the external environment affects managers ?

2.1. Jobs and employment

2.1.1. Not only do changes in external conditions affect the types that are available,they affect how those jobs are created and managed

2.1.2. Millions of jobs were eliminated and unemployment rates rose to levels not seen in many years.

2.2. Assessing environmental uncertainty

2.2.1. environmental uncertainty refers to the degree of change and complexity in an organization's environment.

2.3. managing stakeholder relationships : stakeholders are affected by organization's decisions and actions.

3. -What organizational culture is ? , and why it's important.

3.1. Organization culture is the shared values,principles ,traditions and ways of doing things that influence the way organization members act.

3.2. How can culture be essessed ?

3.2.1. Describing an organization using these seven dimensions give a composite picture of the organization's culture.

3.3. Where does an organization's culture come from ?

3.3.1. An organization's culture usually reflects the vision or mission of the organization's founders.

4. How organizational culture affects managers ?

4.1. How does culture affects what employees do ?

4.1.1. Depending on how strong or weak . Strong culture can substitule for the rule regulations that formally guide employees and create predictability ,orderliness and consistency without the need to be concerned. Weak culture is not dominant shared values are present and effects on employee behavior is less clear.

4.2. How does culture effect what managers do ?

4.2.1. Organization's culture constrain what they can and can not do and how they manage