How Can We Build "Warm" Technology? - TEDxVienna 2017

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How Can We Build "Warm" Technology? - TEDxVienna 2017 af Mind Map: How Can We Build "Warm" Technology? - TEDxVienna 2017

1. New technology

1.1. The one-button computer connecting generations

1.1.1. No special skill required to use it

1.2. Day 0-60: Research

1.2.1. Reading up and interviewing seniors and their caretakers

1.2.2. Explore technology available to them

1.2.3. A quarter of all seniors spends days without talking to anyone.

1.3. Day 61-140: Prototyping

1.3.1. Technology is here to help and assist us, not make some of us feel stupid.

1.4. Day 141-290: More testing

1.5. Launch a month from now

2. Technology is more than social media

3. Understanding technology is not a measurement of intelligence

4. The tech industry needs to step up and start listening to its users

5. Speaker


5.1.1. Interaction Designer | NOR

5.1.2. No Isolation (@_noisolation) | Twitter

6. What is your value if nobody wants to offer you anything?

6.1. What if technology could be something warm and helpful?

6.2. We build technology solutions for those who can not use normal tools like tablets

6.3. The loneliness pandemic: it harms everywhere and anyone.

6.3.1. More than half a million kids live in social isolation in the EU

6.4. Need a simple way to take these kids out of the bedrooms and into the world

7. Telepresence robots

8. The tech industry has failed the population.

8.1. Generic consumer technology has gotten better, but the group that falls behind keeps growing.

8.1.1. Being a paying customer gives you the right to expect excellence.

8.2. Biggest wrong doing has been done to the seniors.

8.3. Leathery fingers (dry fingertips)

8.3.1. Touch screens do not respond well to dry fingertips.

8.3.2. To find out such things, you need to invest in users.