Explorers and Conquers

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Explorers and Conquers af Mind Map: Explorers and Conquers

1. Columbus

1.1. New World

1.2. Spices

1.3. Pinta

1.4. 1492

1.5. 4 voyages

1.6. discovered the Americas

2. Henry Hudson

2.1. 1609

2.2. 3 waterways

2.3. sailed north farthest

2.4. England

2.5. left by his crew; disappeared

2.6. 3 voyages

3. John Cabot

3.1. Northwest Passage

3.2. First to explore mainland

3.3. 1497

3.4. under King Henry VII of England

3.5. The Matthew

3.6. 3 voyages

4. Jacques Cartier

4.1. Leading 3 expeditions to Canada

4.2. 1534

4.3. under King Francis I of France

4.4. sailed with Henry Hudson

4.5. located St. Lawrence River

4.6. Found large amount of resources in Canada

5. Samuel de Champlain

5.1. acknowledged founder of Quebec

5.2. 1608

5.3. Father of New France

5.4. First accurate map of coast

5.5. Explored St. Lawrence River

5.6. under France