78 Million Tonnes (Annual Plastic Production)

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78 Million Tonnes (Annual Plastic Production) af Mind Map: 78 Million Tonnes (Annual Plastic Production)

1. 32% Leakage

1.1. Litter all around the environment and our surroundings.

1.2. Been thrown in the ocean

2. 14% Incineration or/and Energy Recovery

2.1. Where the garbage is burned and turns into ash and heat, sometimes used to generate energy (called waste-to-energy).

3. 14% Collected for Recycling

3.1. where it will be transferred to a manufacturing plant so these materials can be used to make new products

3.1.1. 8% Cascaded Recycling

3.1.2. 4% Process Losess

3.1.3. 2% Closed-Looped Recyling

4. 98% Virgin Feedstock

4.1. The resin produced directly from the petrochemical feedstock, such as natural gas or crude oil, which has never been used or processed before.

5. 40% Landfilled

5.1. Where the waste is buried and left to decompose, a process which takes hundreds of years even for biodegradable materials.