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adolescence af Mind Map: adolescence

1. physical change

1.1. body is growing

1.2. voice is changing

2. psychological change

2.1. independence

2.2. mental

2.3. more selfcontrol

2.4. acting more adults

2.5. how people perceive you

3. sexuality

3.1. some looses their virginity

3.2. reproduction

4. dilemmas/problems

4.1. have to make choices

4.2. you don't know about the future

4.3. someone has problems fitting in between the norms in society

4.4. expectations

4.5. having frenemies /fallouts with friends

4.6. problems with being yourself

4.7. conserned about other peoples thoughts about you

4.8. you rebel against your parents

4.9. lack of money

4.10. lack of friends

4.11. problems with anxiety and depression

4.12. heartbreak

5. vocabulary

5.1. identity, style, rebel, sk8ter, emo, jock, goth, norms, values, changing development, independent, growing, subculture, adolescent, adulthood, society, define, opposition, childhood,

6. history

6.1. hiipies in 1960'ies