Cyber “Security”: A World of Uncertainty

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Cyber “Security”: A World of Uncertainty af Mind Map: Cyber “Security”: A World of Uncertainty

1. Change

1.1. currently not enough awareness to yield change in surveillance backdoor

1.1.1. solutions of increasing gov't policy = contradictory/unlikely.

1.1.2. solutions of increasing individual awareness thru outreach = relatively ineffective due to conceptual barriers to understanding/scoping problem

1.1.3. solution: increase security in SQUO as we are, hacks will solve back for awareness issue and create more organic chance

1.1.4. explore international solvency of some kind of commission / mediation between nations .... may be not best solution, but at least step in right direction pre-req to this = trust... need to show link into trust.

2. Background

2.1. magnitude of problem

2.1.1. can compare with other issues Congress currently faces

2.2. scope of problem

2.3. status quo awareness/care --> conceptual barriers to individual awareness

2.4. offensive (warfare) and defensive (protection) discussion ---> CONTAINMENT!

3. Domestic Surveillance

3.1. Government contradiction

3.1.1. some backlash but still justified in gov'ts eyes