Toxic chemicals in Cosmetics

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Toxic chemicals in Cosmetics af Mind Map: Toxic chemicals in Cosmetics

1. 1950s mindset

1.1. better living though chemicals

1.2. no worry about health impact

1.3. Change people's minds

1.3.1. new formula

1.3.2. beauty magic

1.3.3. miracle ingredient

2. health problems

2.1. cancer

2.2. laerning disability

2.3. asthma

2.4. male fartility

2.5. Lack of brain development

3. Solution


3.1.1. identify the best choice

3.2. A Smarter law

3.2.1. 1950s mindset

3.2.2. banned more toxic chemicals

3.2.3. use green chemistry

3.2.4. safe & healthy products

4. lack of regulation

4.1. not enough the safety of personal care products on ingredients

4.2. no required all ingredients on the label

4.3. Big companies said it small enough to be harmless