The European Revolutions of 1848

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The European Revolutions of 1848 af Mind Map: The European Revolutions of  1848

1. The Other European Revolution

1.1. Constitution revision in Germany

1.2. Frankfurt is the new capital

1.3. wanted an all German parliement

1.4. Protest broke out in Berlin

1.5. Prussian army shut it down

1.6. Germany wanted to create a constitution

1.7. the constitution would grant the government no powers

2. The French Revolution

2.1. The start of revolution was here

2.2. had a liberal monarchy

2.3. only 170,00 men could legally vote

2.4. the rich oppressed the poor

2.5. poor felt they had no power

3. The Austrian Revolution

3.1. The Hungarian population wanted the language changed

3.2. The new language was Magyar

3.3. organized Princes of Europe

3.4. abolished persuasive censorship for the press

3.5. issued in an imperial patent

4. The Italian Revolution

4.1. unrest caused protests

4.2. many figures approached the crowd

4.3. the army was called into to stop this

4.4. more fights against officials happened

4.5. army open fired causing a few fatalities and injuries