
Meister Cookies

We use MeisterCookies (1st party cookie, self-hosted) for the on-going maintenance and improvement of our applications and website as well as to understand their performance.
Purpose: Run website and improve tools & services
Category: Necessary
Technical information: mc_*_
Time: n/a

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager is a tag management system that allows MeisterLabs to quickly and easily update tracking codes and related code fragments collectively known as “tags” on our website or mobile app.
Purpose: Run the website
Category: Necessary
Technical information:
Time: n/a

Google Analytics, Google Display Network & Google Optimize

MeisterLabs uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, Google Ireland Ltd., Gordon House, 4 Barrow Street, Dublin, Ireland, or any other Affiliate of Google LLC (“Google“). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, i.e. text files that are stored on your computer and enable analysis of your use of our website. When you visit our website for the first time, you will be assigned a cookie with a unique user identification, i.e. a Google Analytics Client ID. MeisterLabs uses data gathered through your Google Analytics Client ID as well as other data generated from Google’s web analytics applications in order to perform analyses of your interactions with our products, services, and websites. With the help of Google’s Analytics Demographics and Interest Reporting, we will receive analyses on our users’ age, gender, and interest categories (please refer to here for further information). We strive to offer you tailored products and services that are best suited for your individual circumstances. To that end, Google provides us with insights and statistics that help us to make our online presence, our communications to you, and ultimately our products more interesting and relevant for you. Other tools we use in this context that are also provided by Google include Google Display Network (used to measure the impact of unclicked Google Display Network ad impressions on the website, behavior of users, and conversions; please refer to here for further information); and Google Optimize (for A/B testing, offering to analyze user behavior by showing slightly varied website contents to different user groups, depending on profile matching; thereby, MeisterLabs analyzes its online services, improves its web offerings, and can create an interesting user journey).
Purpose: Optimize advertising (personalize ads)
Category: Marketing and Analytics
Technical information: _gat_UA-630904-2 _ga_mindmeister_gid _ga_mindmeister
Time: n/a

Google AdWords Conversion & Google Remarketing

MeisterLabs’s website uses Google AdWords in order to generate attention for our products and services by conducting targeted advertising campaigns on third-party websites and apps. Data generated by such campaigns helps us to determine the success rate of individual campaigns. MeisterLabs aims at providing you with advertisement that is of interest to you, to make its website more interesting, and calculate advertising expenses accurately. Legal basis for such processing of personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Such means of advertisement are delivered by Google through a so-called Ad Server. Along with this, MeisterLabs uses Ad Server Cookies, which scale certain parameters, such as display of ads or clicks by users. When you click on an ad delivered by Google that redirects you to our website, a cookie is stored on your computer by Google AdWords. These cookies usually expire within 30 days and are not supposed to be used to personally identify a user. In addition to these cookies, analytic values like a unique cookie ID, quantity of Ad impressions per storing, last impression and opt-out information (markings that the user does not want to be addressed any further) are usually stored. These cookies enable Google to recognize your internet browser. If you visit certain pages on our website and provided the cookie stored on your computer has not yet expired, MeisterLabs and Google are able to recognize that you clicked on an ad and were redirected to the MeisterLabs website. Every Google AdWords customer receives a different cookie. Therefore, cookies cannot be tracked across different sites by MeisterLabs, as is the case for all other AdWords customers. MeisterLabs merely receives statistical evaluations from Google. By and through these statistical evaluations, we can evaluate which advertisement campaign was particularly effective. Any additional data generated by the particular advertisement is not forwarded to MeisterLabs; particularly, we cannot personally identify users through this information. Through this (re-)marketing tool, your browser automatically connects to Google’s servers. Please note that scope and further use of the data processed by Google are subject to Google’s privacy policy and beyond MeisterLabs’s control. We thus inform you based on our own knowledge: By integrating AdWords, Google receives information that you visited a particular MeisterLabs website or part thereof, and/or that you clicked on one of our advertisements. If you are registered with one of Google’s services, Google is able to match your visit to your Google account. Google may receive your IP address and/or may store it even if you are not registered with one of Google’s services and/or if you have not been logged in. You may avoid tracking in various ways, e.g. through a setting of your browser software, particularly, by suppressing third party cookie installation in order to prevent receiving third-party ads; deactivating AdWords Cookies, by setting your browser so that cookies from here are being blocked; this can be done at here, however, such settings are deleted if you delete cookies; or permanently deactivating cookies in your browser under here. Further information on Google’s approach to data privacy can be found under here. Alternatively, you can disable the use of cookies for interest-based advertising via the advertising network initiative, by following the instructions at here. In addition to Google AdWords, MeisterLabs uses the tool “Google Remarketing”. This is an application that allows us to address you again, even when you have left our website. After visiting our website and while you are surfing the internet, our advertisement can be displayed to you by and through this application. This is enabled by cookies stored on your device, which track and analyze user behavior on different websites for Google. Google can track your previous visits to our website. According to its own statement, Google does not combine data gathered through Remarketing with any personal data Google may have stored about you. Furthermore, the data processed for these purposes is generally limited to pseudonymous information. If you do not want to be exposed to data processing through the Google Remarketing feature, you can disable it by changing the appropriate settings at here.
Purpose: Optimize advertising (personalize ads)
Category: Marketing and Analytics
Technical information: _gat_UA-630904-2 _ga_mindmeister_gid _ga_mindmeister
Time: n/a


Participate in anonymous surveys, to analyse user experience and improve MeisterLabs's knowledge.
Purpose: Improve tools & services
Category: Marketing and Analytics
Technical information:
Time: n/a


Error monitoring and error reporting.
Purpose: Run the website
Category: Necessary
Technical information:
Time: n/a

Google reCAPCHA

Protect the website from spam and abuse. Allows MeisterLabs to verify if an interaction is legitimate without any user interaction.
Purpose: Run the website
Category: Necessary
Technical information:
Time: n/a


We also use other tools on our website allowing us to offer you a more personalized and engaged web experience by offering you advertisements on your social media channels that are more relevant to you. To that end, we use cookie-based (please refer again to our Cookies Policy) tools offered by the following third-party social media providers: Twitter Inc., 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, California 94103, USA; for further information on the implemented tool and how to opt out of corresponding tracking, please refer tohere; for further information on Twitter’s approach to privacy refer to: here. We integrate snippets of code provided by these social media operators that load a small library of functions (sometimes referred to as “tracking pixels”, i.e. transparent, pixel-sized images embedded in websites with a tracking functionality). These functions enable us to track your activities on our website, such as URLs visited, domains visited, device(s) used, and, in particular advertising conversions (i.e. actions counted when you interact with one of our ads, such as clicking it and purchasing our product afterwards). They rely on cookies placed by the mentioned third-party providers, which may also enable us to match our website visitors to respective user accounts on the respective social media platforms. As with other marketing activities, the use of the described tracking and remarketing mechanisms fulfil our legitimate business interest pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Please take note of your options to opt-out of such tracking and remarketing mentioned above.
Purpose: Optimize advertising (personalize ads)
Category: Marketing and Analytics
Technical information:
Time: n/a

LinkedIn Marketing Solutions

We also use other tools on our website allowing us to offer you a more personalized and engaged web experience by offering you advertisements on your social media channels that are more relevant to you. To that end, we use cookie-based (please refer again to our Cookies Policy) tools offered by the following third-party social media providers: LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court, Mountain View, California 94043, USA; for further information on the implemented tool and how to opt out of corresponding tracking, please refer to here; for further information on LinkedIn’s approach to privacy refer to: here We integrate snippets of code provided by these social media operators that load a small library of functions (sometimes referred to as “tracking pixels”, i.e. transparent, pixel-sized images embedded in websites with a tracking functionality). These functions enable us to track your activities on our website, such as URLs visited, domains visited, device(s) used, and, in particular advertising conversions (i.e. actions counted when you interact with one of our ads, such as clicking it and purchasing our product afterwards). They rely on cookies placed by the mentioned third-party providers, which may also enable us to match our website visitors to respective user accounts on the respective social media platforms. As with other marketing activities, the use of the described tracking and remarketing mechanisms fulfil our legitimate business interest pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Please take note of your options to opt-out of such tracking and remarketing mentioned above.
Purpose: Optimize advertising (personalize ads)
Category: Marketing and Analytics
Technical information:
Time: n/a


We also use other tools on our website allowing us to offer you a more personalized and engaged web experience by offering you advertisements on your social media channels that are more relevant to you. To that end, we use cookie-based (please refer again to our Cookies Policy) tools offered by the following third-party social media providers: Capterra Inc. 1201 Wilson Blvd. 9th Floor, Arlington, VA 22209. We integrate snippets of code provided by these social media operators that load a small library of functions (sometimes referred to as “tracking pixels”, i.e. transparent, pixel-sized images embedded in websites with a tracking functionality). These functions enable us to track your activities on our website, such as URLs visited, domains visited, device(s) used, and, in particular advertising conversions (i.e. actions counted when you interact with one of our ads, such as clicking it and purchasing our product afterwards). They rely on cookies placed by the mentioned third-party providers, which may also enable us to match our website visitors to respective user accounts on the respective social media platforms. As with other marketing activities, the use of the described tracking and remarketing mechanisms fulfil our legitimate business interest pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR.
Purpose: Optimize advertising (personalize ads)
Category: Marketing and Analytics
Technical information:
Time: n/a


The __cfduid cookie is used to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. It does not correspond to any user ID in our web applications, and does not store any personally identifiable information.
Purpose: Run the website
Category: Necessary
Technical information:
Time: n/a

Facebook Pixel & Facebook Custom Audience

We also use other tools on our website allowing us to offer you a more personalized and engaged web experience by offering you advertisements on your social media channels that are more relevant to you. To that end, we use cookie-based (please refer again to our Cookies Policy) tools offered by the following third-party social media providers: Facebook Inc., 1601 S California Ave, Palo Alto, California 94304, USA; for further information on the implemented tool, please refer to here; additional information on data collection: here We integrate snippets of code provided by these social media operators that load a small library of functions (sometimes referred to as “tracking pixels”, i.e. transparent, pixel-sized images embedded in websites with a tracking functionality). These functions enable us to track your activities on our website, such as URLs visited, domains visited, device(s) used, and, in particular advertising conversions (i.e. actions counted when you interact with one of our ads, such as clicking it and purchasing our product afterwards). They rely on cookies placed by the mentioned third-party providers, which may also enable us to match our website visitors to respective user accounts on the respective social media platforms. We may also use the “Custom Audience” service provided by Facebook Inc., for delivering targeted advertising to you. In this context, we would check whether you hold an account with Facebook for which you use the same email-address that you have provided to us and include you in a corresponding “custom audience” group. This works by us providing your email-address to Facebook Inc. in a hashed format, and this way making sure that Facebook will only process, as a data processor on our behalf, actual email-addresses of users that have already subscribed to their service (please refer to here for further information on this process). You may opt-out of receiving targeted ads because you are part of a custom audience created by MeisterLabs through clicking a corresponding link when you select the “Why am I seeing this?” feature on the Facebook platform (see here. As with other marketing activities, the use of the described tracking and remarketing mechanisms fulfil our legitimate business interest pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f) GDPR. Please take note of your options to opt-out of such tracking and remarketing mentioned above.
Purpose: Optimize advertising (personalize ads)
Category: Marketing and Analytics
Technical information:
Time: n/a

Google Customer Match

We may also use the “Customer Match” service provided by Google, for delivering targeted advertising to you. In this context, we would check whether you hold an account with Google for which you use the same email-address that you have provided to us and include you in a corresponding “custom audience” group. This works by us providing your email-address to Google in a hashed format, and this way making sure that Google will only process, as a data processor on our behalf, actual email-addresses of users that have already subscribed to their service.
Purpose: Optimize advertising (personalize ads)
Category: Marketing and Analytics
Technical information:
Time: n/a

TikTok Pixel

We use TikTok Pixel on our website and services, a tool provided by TikTok Information Technologies UK Limited, Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London, England, WC2B 6NH and TikTok Technology Limited, 10 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin, D02 T380, Ireland (hereinafter referred to as “TikTok”). The TikTok Pixel is a piece of code that allows us to track your activities on our website (such as URLs visited, domains visited, device(s) used) and, in particular advertising conversions (i.e. actions counted when you interact with one of our ads, such as clicking it and purchasing our product afterwards). We rely on cookies placed by TikTok, which may also enable us to match our website visitors to respective user accounts on the social media platform TikTok. Therefore, personal data such as your IP address and email address, as well as other information such as deviceID, device related information (type, operating system, browser information) may also be transferred to TikTok. TikTok uses this information to identify users of our website and link their actions with a TikTok user account to be able to display targeted and personalized advertising to its users. For this purpose, a data sharing agreement has been concluded with TikTok. Your personal data will be processed within the EU or the EEA. If and to the extent that data is transferred to group companies of TikTok outside the EU/EEA, this is based on the use of standard contractual clauses pursuant to Art 46 para 2 lit c GDPR. These standard contractual clauses oblige the respective company to process the data in such a way that a level of data protection comparable to that in the EU is ensured. The use of the TikTok Pixel as well as the storage of "conversion cookies" is based on Art. 6 (1) lit. a GDPR and § 25 Sec. 1 TTDSG.
Purpose: Optimize advertising (personalize ads)
Category: Marketing and Analytics
Technical information:
Time: n/a


We use GetResponse to improve our sites, services and products. Type of data collected: ‘Real world’ contact information such as your name or country. Internet contact information such as your email. A unique ID issued for purposes of identifying or recognizing you as an individual Information about your computer such as the IP address, domain name, browser type or operating system. Browsing data such as visited webpages. The text contained in the body of a communication -- such as the text of email, or chat & webinar communications. Session and user data may be stored to remember stateful information (e.g. http cookies).
Purpose: Improve tools & services
Category: Necessary
Technical information:
Time: n/a


We use HubSpot to provide you with a live chat functionality with which you are able to make direct contact with our sales team. Furthermore, it is used to improve our sites, services and products. Type of data collected: ‘Real world’ contact information such as your name or country. Internet contact information such as your email. A unique ID issued for purposes of identifying or recognizing you as an individual Information about your computer such as the IP address, domain name, browser type or operating system. Browsing data such as visited webpages. The text contained in the body of a communication -- such as the text of email, or chat & webinar communications. Session and user data may be stored to remember stateful information (e.g. http cookies).
Purpose: Provision of chat functionality and Improve tools & services
Category: Necessary
Technical information:
Time: n/a
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