My Foundation of Education

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My Foundation of Education da Mind Map: My Foundation of Education

1. Philosophy of Education Chapter 5

1.1. Describing the philosophy of pragmatism in Education.

1.1.1. Generic Notions and the "embryonic community" allowing children to be creative and experimental thinkers in a democracy. This basically is saying that children are forever growing and changing and we need to grow and change in the way to teach them to be a fulfilling and functioning part of society.

1.1.2. Key researchers in this area are George Sanders Peirce(1839-1914), William James(1842-1910), and John Dewey(1859-1952). Dewey I think being the most prominent of the researchers.

1.1.3. Goal of Education in its basic form with this philosophy is to prepare children to be adults and a civilized democratic society.

1.1.4. Role of Teacher is now a guide for education. We can come up with lesson plans and certain curriculum, but we have no authority really. We are there to guide the students in how they process and learn the materials, ask questions and devise plans on making sure they have received the goal that you have put in place.

1.1.5. Method of instruction is set in a variety of ways. It can be field trips, experiments, group settings, and possibly even an event or speaker like forum. It is meant for them to experience what they are being taught so that it sinks in and possibly and hopefully becomes exciting. Classrooms are less formal, with tables and chairs instead of desks. Its to get the student more involved in what they are learning and possibly doing what they are learning instead of traditional learning environment.

1.1.6. Curriculum is based on the expansion of the students mind and environment. The text gives the example of math, history, science, reading, writing, etc to study one subject like wales. We see this a lot in math today, because a lot of math teachers want you to focus on the math as it is a written problem not just numbers. It is being able to encompass all of your knowledge and ways of learning to understand a certain subject.

2. Sociological Perspectives Chapter 4

2.1. Define the theoretical perspective concerning the relationship between school and society: functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism

2.1.1. School in many ways shape society, we are were many children learn how to socialize and become citizens. What we teach and how we teach is critical to the way our students go out into the world. Most people who are not in the school system or even people in govenrment do not understand how influential school and teaching is. I'm sure if government officials alone knew the incredible work that goes into teaching and making a safe haven for children there would be a lot more funding to schools and teachers. Functionalism to make sure students can function in society. Because every student is different and possibly from different cultures, we as teachers must help them learn to coexist as one. Conflict Theory this theory goes along with functionalism in that culturally, racially, sexually and religiously children can be very different and as teachers we must first not be judgemental and must not only allow their differences but show them how they can still be social active citizens with the opportunity for equal education Interactional basically bringing all of your students and all of their differences into one social atmosphere conducting themselves socially civilized and with an understanding that everyone is different. Interacting puts a big responsibility on the teacher to show eqaulness in all and that all the students are socially equal and can interact regardless of their differences.

2.2. 5 effects of schooling that has the greatest impact on students

2.2.1. Gender- there majorly unequal in society, it's unequal in schools as well, we must make sure that all students are treated equally, we also need to make sure the social influence is not negatively impacting female students like low self esteem and aspirations.

2.2.2. Inadequate Schools- today this should not be a problem, but unfortunately it is a big problem, Schools in Chicago, IL may not be ran the same as a school in Ider, AL but there basic structure and the way they should treat students should be the same.

2.2.3. De Facto Segregation-this is often created and reinforced by the system, children should never be segregated due do there race or ethnicity.

2.2.4. Teacher Behavior- this one I will take a personal note that I am dealing with. My austistic son should never know that his special education teacher is aggrevated at him. Those words shouldn't be spoken, mistakes happen and everyone is human. Being a teacher and a special education teacher is difficult. But we can never let children know things like this, or know that we have a favorite student or know that our actions speak volumes to our students. Teachers should never encouraging bullying in any form or do it themselves in any way.

2.2.5. Education and Inequality-when i think of the American Society I see a circle of all races, all genders, all occupations, just being one big happy group. A lot of people do not see this in their head when they think of the American Society, they see white people or they see black people. Mostly what culture is around them at the time. We as educators need to make sure we see all scopes of people and that we teach our students to see the same. Let our students know that what they have financially or physlically does not define them. What defines them is what they are capable of today, and with that capability what they can become tomorrow.

3. History of U.S. Education Chapter 3

3.1. Most Influential Reform Movement for Education

3.1.1. Education for Women and African-Americans is the most influential because it has long since been proved that Women and African-Americans are just as smart and have a lot to offer to the world around us. My daughter goes to Wesleyan College in Macon, Georgia. They are the first college to be chartered to women. This also goes to the over all belief that we are all equal and there for deserve equal rights and equal education. I am very proud she is able to attend Wesleyan and secure her dreams for her future because of this movement.

3.2. A historical interpretation of U.S. Education.

3.2.1. The Democratic-Liberal School is one interpretation. There goal was to make school equal for all basically. That your background, race, sex, or if you were poverty stricken shouldn't matter, you should still have the rights to an education just like anyone else. Now in this plan there are flaws because the focus was no longer on intellect but social goals.

4. Politics of Education Chapter 2

4.1. Four Purposes of Education

4.1.1. Social purpose - Solving social situations and allowing children to work as a cohesive group. Allowing children to socialize into various roles, behaviors and values of society.

4.1.2. Political purposes - to assist in diverse cultural groups participate in a common political and possibly patriotic order, also to teach children basic society law

4.1.3. Intellectual purposes - teaching basic cognitive skills such as math,reading, and writing so that students may acquire a higher level of education

4.1.4. Economic purpose - preparing students for their later occupational roles. Prparing students to work varied depending on their society

4.2. The Liberal Prospective

4.2.1. The role of the school - to teach equality in all and diversity, that all children should be taught with them having equal opportunities for their future in mind.

4.2.2. Explanation of unequal performance - That though some students have more advantages, once they reach school it should be to the best attempt of teachers to make sure that all children have the same advantages and assistance where needed.

5. Schools as Organizations Chapter 6

6. Curriculum and Pedagogy Chapter 7

7. Equalitof Opportunity Chapter 8

8. Educational Inequality Chapter 9

9. Educational Reform Chapter 10