Society Vs. Pitbulls

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Society Vs. Pitbulls da Mind Map: Society Vs. Pitbulls

1. Home

1.1. This page will be opened with a broad question, how does society see pitbulls? This is will intrigue the audience and grab their attention. There will be a brief paragraph of facts about how society reacts.

1.1.1. Video Project: Will video tape and use iMovie to create a short video of pitbulls around other dogs, humans, babies, ect.

1.1.2. Logo: Will use Logomakr to create my own personal logo

1.1.3. Photo Editing: I will use to editing my photos

2. About

2.1. This Page will be about other organizations that support this same cause. This will give the website some credibility

2.1.1. I will create a QR code to hand out to people that will give them access to my website. I will design a flyer.

3. Contact

3.1. This page gives people a way to get ahold of someone if they have questions or concerns, basic information

3.1.1. I will create an email for people to use to ask questions or express concerns.

4. What we offer

4.1. This page will show what the purpose of the website is and how to help.

5. Ways you can help

5.1. This page will give you resources to help support the cause. This will give you information on why you should help and how you can help

6. Update

6.1. This page will have the updated information on rescue reliefs for pitbulls.

7. SVSP Tagline:Helping Pitbulls get justice