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Mind Set da Mind Map: Mind Set

1. Theorists/Theory

1.1. Carol Dweck

1.1.1. 5 self theories

1.1.2. Entity/ Incremental-Fixed/Growth Mindset

1.1.3. Learners who have an “entity” theory view intelligence as being an unchangeable, fixed internal characteristic. Those who have an “incremental” theory believe that their intelligence is malleable and can be increased through effort.

1.1.4. Sellf-theory is likely to have a major effect on students self-belief, their motivation to learn and their resilience.

1.1.5. Process Praise

1.2. Humanistic

1.3. Behaviourist

1.4. Psychodynamic

1.5. Maslow Rodgers

2. Teachers Role

2.1. Own Mindset

2.2. Facilitator of Learning

2.3. Role Model

2.4. Non judgemental

2.5. Guidance

2.6. Allow child to reach do what they can and help to reach their full potential.

3. Lesson Plan- Traits

3.1. Character Traits

3.2. Students will be able to understand that everyone is different and have different traits.

3.3. To promote a growth mind set in children by understanding that a trait isn’t fixed and they can develop their skills in anything they want to improve on.

3.4. Difference between physical and behavioural traits.

4. Teaching Strategies

4.1. Emphasise effort over result

4.2. Collaberation

4.3. Teamwork

4.4. Building Self esteem

4.5. Techniques on how to praise/Critique

4.6. Differentiate to encourage achievement

4.7. Questioning Techniques