8th Grade Schedule

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8th Grade Schedule da Mind Map: 8th Grade Schedule

1. Bussing

1.1. Scheduling

1.2. Locations

1.3. Drivers

2. Students

2.1. Class Pace Depends On Students

2.1.1. Specific Teachers For Students

2.1.2. Don't give test to students who are not ready to take it, let them prepare for it before they begin.

3. Classes

3.1. Subjects

3.1.1. World Studies

3.1.2. Math

3.1.3. Band, Orchestra, Choir

3.1.4. English

3.1.5. World Languages

3.1.6. Digital Literacy

3.1.7. Technology

3.1.8. Science

3.1.9. Home Economics

3.1.10. General Music

3.1.11. Stress Releif

3.1.12. Dance Class

4. School day length

4.1. Time Length

4.1.1. 9:00 school starts

4.1.2. 30 Minute Classes

4.1.3. 1 Hour Lunch (To leave and go to a restaurant) 11:00 lunch

4.1.4. Same Classes Every 2-3 Days