Matthew Eckard Eng 102

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Matthew Eckard Eng 102 da Mind Map: Matthew Eckard Eng 102

1. Figured out what kind of writer I am

1.1. Learned more about my style of writing and how to improve

1.1.1. Currently I am a heavy revision style of writing where I write a lot then revise later

2. more familiar with the revision process

2.1. Realized that there is much more to the revision process then I had previously been using

3. Learned about the value of peer review

3.1. Classmates may be better at grammar, difference between disciplines, types of rhetoric, etc and can be extremely helpful

4. Learned the importance of using rhetoric when trying to persuade an audience

4.1. Such as who is the audience

4.1.1. What type of rhetoric would best convince them

5. By the way, this is a floating topic. To create a floating topic, simply drag it away from the map center.