Chapter 6 : Managing Change

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Chapter 6 : Managing Change da Mind Map: Chapter 6 : Managing Change

1. Motivating Change

1.1. Creating Readiness for Change

1.1.1. Sensitize organizations to pressures for change

1.1.2. Reveal discrepancies between current and desired states

1.1.3. Convey credible positive expectations for the change

1.2. Overcoming Resistance to Change

1.2.1. Empathy and support

1.2.2. Communication

1.2.3. Participant and involvement

2. Creating a Vision

2.1. Describing the Core Ideology

2.2. Constructing the Envisioned Future

2.2.1. Bold and value outcomes

2.2.2. Desired future state

3. Developing Political Support

3.1. Assessing Change Agent Power

3.2. Identifying Key Stakeholders

3.3. Influencing Stakeholders

4. Managing the Transition

4.1. Activity Planning

4.2. Communication Planning

4.3. Changes-Management Structures

4.4. Learning Process

5. Sustaining Momentum

5.1. Providing Resources for Change

5.2. Building a Support System for Change Agents

5.3. Developing New Competencies and Skills

5.4. Reinforcing New Behaviors

5.5. Staying the Courses