GRDP protection données Europe 2018

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GRDP protection données Europe 2018 da Mind Map: GRDP protection données Europe 2018

1. Consent

1.1. Notice—data subjects should be given notice when their data is being collected;

1.2. Consent—data should not be disclosed without the data subject’s consent;

1.3. Disclosure—data subjects should be informed as to who is collecting their data;

1.4. Access—data subjects should be allowed to access their data and make corrections to any inaccurate data

2. Data Protection in the EU Institutions and Bodies:

2.1. Data Protection Officer in the European Commission:

2.1.1. Is responsible for monitoring and the application of data protection rules in the European Commission

2.2. European Data Protection Supervisor:

2.2.1. Independent EU body responsible for monitoring the application of data protection rules within European Institutions and for investigating complaints.

3. Impact on enterprisers

3.1. Affects EU enterprisers and no EU enterprisers

3.1.1. Lawful basis

3.2. Big economic impact

3.2.1. Changes in the privacy laws

4. Data importance

4.1. Misuse of information

4.2. Hackers

4.3. Protection of basic data

4.3.1. Names

4.3.2. Age

4.3.3. Social media

4.3.4. Search history

5. Data processors

5.1. Organic Law protection

5.1.1. Upgrade Privacy violation notice Continuous monitoring Protection data of underage people Right to consult your data

5.1.2. Access to data by third parties