Armchair Travel 2-3 weeks July 2018

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Armchair Travel 2-3 weeks July 2018 da Mind Map: Armchair Travel 2-3 weeks July 2018

1. Food

1.1. "Food is an important part of a balanced diet!" Of course you must eat during your stay. Make sure you cover each of the four every day. Make sure you get something to drink every day too!

1.2. Breakfast

1.2.1. Breakfast is included in the accomodation

1.3. Lunch

1.3.1. On all-day trips we made a packed lunch

1.4. Dinner

1.4.1. Two evenings we went to a really fancy restaurant.

1.5. Snacks

1.6. Drinks

1.6.1. We brought bottles with us to fill up with water for during the day.

1.6.2. Each day we stopped for coffee and hot chocolate at a café

2. Experiences

2.1. You must experience at least one thing a day, excluding the two travel days. You can have up to three relaxing days during your trip.

2.2. Day 1: Travelling to Cape Town

2.3. Day 2: Relaxing and unpacking at the hotel

2.4. Day 3: Safari trip

2.5. Day 4:....

3. Family

3.1. Describe the family. Who are they? what do they work with/as? Where do the kids go to school? Father, mother, child 1: 12y, child 2: 8y

4. Accomodation

4.1. Where and how do you live? Maybe you want to live in a nice hotel or maybe you want to save the money for something else?

4.2. Hotel

4.3. Hostel

4.4. Tent

4.5. Campervan

4.6. other...

5. Transportation

5.1. How do you get to your destination? How do you get by when you are at your destination?

5.2. Car

5.3. Bus

5.4. Ship/Ferry

5.5. Airplane

5.6. Other...

6. Budget

6.1. Omregner

6.2. Your budget is 40.000 DKK

6.3. You must keep track of how much money you spend and write it down in an Excel sheet.