Source of Knowledge

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Source of Knowledge da Mind Map: Source of Knowledge

1. Rationalism

1.1. Gaining knowledge through rationalism means getting knowledge with the reason in our logic.

2. Empiricism

2.1. Gaining knowledge through empiricism means getting knowledge with observation and experiences about that.

3. Science

3.1. Gaining knowledge through science means getting knowledge involves a combine if rationalism and empiricism, where we observe to collect some data and we test the question with these data using our logic.

4. Intuition

4.1. Gaining knowledge through intuition means getting knowledge unconsciously where it came from.

5. Superstition

5.1. Gaining knowledge through superstition means getting knowledge based on our feelings, conviction in possibilities, or conviction with some magical incident.

6. Authority

6.1. Gaining knowledge through authority means getting knowledge from what respected or famous person tells us.

7. Tenacity

7.1. Gaining knowledge through tenacity means getting knowledge from what you often hear and you believing in although the fact is opposite with that.