Baby Developmental Milestone

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Baby Developmental Milestone da Mind Map: Baby Developmental Milestone

1. 6months

1.1. Recognizes faces

1.2. Rolls over

1.3. Sits without support

2. 9 months

2.1. Plays peek-a-boo

2.2. crawls

2.3. Stands up

3. 1 year

3.1. Follows simple directions

3.2. Walks(with assistance is ok)

3.3. Assist with getting dressed

4. 2years

4.1. Knows names

4.2. Names items in picture book

4.3. Sentence of 2-4 words

5. 2 Months

5.1. Hold head up

5.2. Smiles at people

5.3. Push when on tummy

6. 4 Months

6.1. Copies facial expressions

6.2. Shows emotion(happy/sad(

6.3. Begins to babble

7. 18.5 months

7.1. Says single words

7.2. Walks and runs

7.3. Eats with spoon